

Orchistro 2009. 1. 7. 22:33

Dictionary.com :

n. the act of rendering, translation, ...


In law, rendition is a "surrender" or "handing over" of persons or property, particularly from one jurisdiction to another. For criminal suspects, extradition is the most common type of rendition. Rendition can also be seen as the act of handing over, after the request for extradition has taken place.

Rendition can also mean the act of rendering, i.e. delivering, a judicial decision, or of explaining a series of events, as a defendant or witness. It can also mean the execution of a judicial order by the directed parties. But extraordinary rendition is legally distinct from both deportation and extradition.


"Rendition" is bureaucratese for the CIA's practice of kidnapping terrorist suspects and sending them to secret detention centres out of the public eye and reach of the US justice system.

Around 6:02, there comes this conversation :

Meredith : Rachel Maddow is the host of "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC. Rachel, good morning.

Rachel : Hi Meredith.

Meredith : Thanks for getting up early for us.

Rachel : Oh sure.

Meredith : Like his daughters, it was really first day of school for Barack Obama yesterday. And by all appearances he seemed to be the most popular kid in the class. But underneath, as Chuck pointed out, a lot of drama going on, some bumps along the way. How do you think he did?

Rachel : Well, I think that he made a bold choice in Leon Panetta, and we have seen from Barack Obama a lot of leadership by building consensus, by making people not disagree with him about important and hot-button issues. But on Panetta that was an "elections have consequences" moment. If you were in the Bush administration and which, with warrantless wiretapping and enhanced interrogation, torture, with rendition, with these other controversial policies in the intelligence community, that's not going to be a career asset. And if you were a Democratic senator in an intelligence oversight role, while all these things were happening, your objections may not be the most important thing for this new president looking to make a clean break.

Meredith : So, when they say, some of these Democratic leaders said he does not have, Panetta does not have the intelligence experience, are they wrong?

Rachel : Well, when you look back at the past eight years, of the people who've been involved in the intelligence community, it appears that the Obama administration, the transition team looked at those people and said, "You know what, if you were there in the last eight years, we're gonna leapfrog over you and look to people who have different kinds of experience." He sort of can't find anybody who is more "Washington mainstream" than Leon Panetta, and he does have a lot of experience in national security and sensitive matters. He served in the Iraq study group and has been involved in the highest levels of government.

Meredith : He's also another Clintonite though. That's what some people are saying.

Rachel : In a lot of ways, he is a very, very safe choice. The only pseudo controversial thing about him is he was not in the intelligence community during these last eight years. But anybody who was, has political problems now. And if they were in a senior role in the intelligence community, the elections have consequences. And with torture and warrantless wiretapping and rendition and these other things, those things are going to continue to resonate in your career for the rest of your life.