Pelosi speaks to young women

English 2008. 7. 30. 00:33
From NBC Today Show aired on July 29, 2008.

밑줄 : 빠뜨리거나 듣지 못한 것들
가운데 줄 : 틀려서 수정한 것들
노랑색 배경 : 주의깊이 볼 만 하다고 생각되는 표현들, 단어들, expression 들

Meridith : If you think of women's places in the House think a woman's place is in the house, you're right, sort of. Nancy Pelosi used to be a stay-at-home mom until her daughter said, "Mom, get a life." So she ran for congress. She won. Then she eventually became the first woman ever to rise to the position of speaker of the House. And now she's written a new book urging young women everywhere to reach for their dreams. It is called "Know Your POWER : a message to America's daughters". Madam speaker, thank you so much for sticking around. (Nancy Pelosi 는 30분 가량 이전에 Iran 대통령과의 인터뷰에 대해 이야기한 후 좀 기다린 상태임)

Pelosi : My pleasure.

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Meridith : You write in this book about your rides to one of the most powerful positions in the country. But you say that your path was your path, and everybody's path is gonna be different, so, what is your message to young women, how should they set their priority priorities as they set out?

Pelosi : Well, that's up to them. That's really my message, too. And people, young women say to me all the time, "Should I have my family first, and then build my career? Or should I do my career first, in reverse?" And it's what works for them, their timing is what's important. And you know every way, it's is a good way, again, keeping your priorities aligned and knowing, knowing your power, knowing that if you're home, taking care of your children, you're building skills, forging[각주:1] discipline, learning...

Meridith : It's not just knowing it, it's really believing it, you know, when they're,,, Because there are people who are naysayers in the process along the way.

Pelosi : Well, that's true. And the thing is that I've never set out on any course from my to run for public office or certainly to be speaker of the House. Just one thing led to another. I was ready, informed, and the rest, when opportunities presented themselves. But I had confidence in myself. And If you do, then other people, if you know your power, other people will know your power.

Meridith : You know, Democrats are majority in the Congress right now, but you're definitely a minority in terms of your gender. Have you dealt with sexism within Congress?

Pelosi : I think sexism is all pervasive in our society, getting less so, in the next generation and the next generation are less prone to that. But I don't make a big issue of it because I could either deal with that, I just deal with it by outperforming or outworking or just succeeding in what I'm doing and hoping to gain the respect of my colleagues for what I do. And if they still have a problem with sexism, that's their problem, I can't make it be my problem, I won't be held up by it.

Meridith : In the book you talk about your, when you accepted your position as speaker of the House, and you, quoted from the speech, you said that "This is a historic moment for the Congress and for women of this country, this is the moment for which we have waited over 200 years for our daughters and grand-daughters. Today, we have broken the marble ceiling." We had a woman running for President, Hillary Clinton. And everybody talked about breaking the ceiling. Did we miss an opportunity by not nominating her?

Pelosi : I think that Hillary Clinton's candidacy took giant strides for women, for her and for other women as well, by her dint of her intellect, her eloquence, and her stamina, her political will. She showed a woman can compete to be President of the United States. So I see it as a giant plus. I'm also proud of her and as I said to my colleagues, "Hillary Clinton has emerged from this presidential campaign as probably the most respected political figure in America."

Meridith : I know when you were asked, quite a while ago, whether she should be the running mate with Barack Obama, with her, ???? that it was likely to be the this dream ticket, you said, you thought that wasn't an possibility. Do you still feel that way?

Pelosi : Well, what I said was the following, is that we didn't know at that time which person would be the nominee. And it has always been the prerogative of the nominee to choose his or her vice presidential candidate. And I didn't think we should be dictating to Hillary Clinton, the first woman, whom she should choose, or ____ because it was Hillary, it was one way or another, whom she should choose nor dictating to the first African-American presidential nominee, whom he should choose. I think that,,, I don't think that it will happen.

Meridith : You do not think that will happen.

Pelosi : I don't think it will happen.

Meridith : I know that you're gonna be meeting with Senator Obama and other members of the House this week to talk about issues and priorities during this fall campaign. What do you think his No.1 priority should be?

Pelosi : Well, our first responsibility as elected officials is to keep the American people safe. So, national security and public safety, the first responsibility... But in terms of, on the domestic side, I think the economic security of the America's families, Jobs, health care, the education of their children, and of course energy figures into that. But I'm very pleased with how the campaign is going. I think we have to take the country in the new direction. People are concerned about losing their jobs, their homes, their standard of living. And I think that there's bi-partisan reason to believe that we can work together, make things better.

Meridith : House speaker Nancy Pelosi, thank you so much.

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  1. 1. To form or make, esp. by concentrated effort; (to forge a friendship through mutual trust)
    2. To immitate (handwriting, signagure etc.) fraudulently [본문으로]