Nightly News 를 보는데, 갑자기 팀 러셀의 부고 특집 방송을 보게 되어서 깜짝 놀랐다.
아래는 나름대로 에세이(?) eology(?) 를 쓴 건데, 부끄러우니 읽지 마시라.
더 많이 공부한 후, 1-2년 후에 다시 읽어 볼 목적으로 남겨 두는 것이다.
It's been about 6 months since I started to subscribe to the NBC Meet the Press podcast. And ever since, his face and voice became very familiar to me. It was like I could never imagine starting a week without watching him throwing tough questions to his guests, who usually are outstanding politicians like 2008 US presidential candidates, and kicking ideas around with his brilliant and insightful colleagues.
He had everything that it takes to be an excellent talk show host. And on top of it, his great passion towards politics made him "the political junkie", as a colleage of his once call him on a show. Many journalist said that he was the best of their profession.
When I was heading for my sister's, watching iPod, Nightly News, in this afternoon, the first thing I saw was his face. Far from what I expected to see, which was Brian Williams'. And I thought, 'Something went wrong with him?' It turns out that he is dead last Friday. And I went like, "wow, I never saw that coming." I was shocked, taken aback, to hear that. He looked so healthy and energetic on the screen, and it was just last week, five days ago. And now he's gone.
No doubt that I don't have even the slightest idea of who he was. I just saw him on the tv, well, on an video cast, and that's it. But, think about this. A man who looked so upbeat and so healthy, so inspiring and so passionate, whom I watch every week, suddenly collapsed and died. It kindda gave me a spooky feeling that the death is waiting for me as well on every corner of my life, that the death like this can hit me out of nowhere, that this thing can happen to me.
Obviously I don't even know about the ABCs about political stuff. But, believe me, he and his show made me get interested in politics. Let alone all those "learning English" stuff, I actually enjoyed the show, enjoyed watching him.
Anyway, my condolences to his family.
May he rest in peace.
I'm gonna miss watching him.
And I'm wondering who's gonna fill in for him, David Gregory? Brian Williams? or... Tom Brokaw?!. Whoever the guy is to be sitting in for him, well, it's not exactly "sitting in for" anyway, he's got some big shoes to fill in. Still can't imagine the MTP without Tim.