'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 215건
- 2008.11.16 우뇌 1
- 2008.11.07 Change has come to America - Barack Obama's speech to his supporters gathered in Chicago. 1
- 2008.10.28 가을여행 1일차 2008.10.22 1
- 2008.10.28 가을여행 2일차 2008.10.23
- 2008.10.28 가을여행 3일차 2008.10.24 2
- 2008.10.28 가을여행 4일차 2008.10.25 1
- 2008.10.21 Worst person in the world / 16 Oct, 2008, msnbc countdown
- 2008.10.20 trickle-down