Music/Classical 2008. 4. 5. 03:16
중학교 2학년때 처음으로 성* 라이센스로 나온 카를로스 클라이버의 베토벤 7번 테이프를 구매한 이후로 내 잠자리에는 거의 늘상 음악이 함께 했었다.
이 테이프를 사게 된 것이 황당한게, 사실은 레코드 가게엘 그걸 사려고 갔던 것이 아니었다. 막연히 음악시간에 들었던 "악성" 베토벤님의 "위대한" "합창"교향곡이 얼마나 좋길래 사람들이 그토록 높이 평가를 할까 궁금해서 직접 들어보려고 학교 앞 구멍가게만한 레코드 가게를 찾았었던 것이었다. 그런데 공교롭게도 찾고 있던 것은 없고, 대신 베토벤의 5번과 7번이 커플링된, 앞서 언급한 성* 라이센스 테이프가 있었던 것이다. 꿩 대신 닭이라는 심정에, 이것도 베토벤의 곡인데 한번 들어보지 하는 심정에 구입을 했고, 여기서부터 나의 7번과의 인연은 시작되었었다.
아무튼, 10대 중반에 시작된 잠자리에서 음악을 듣는 그 버릇은 비록 스래쉬, 고딕, 포크, 재즈 등으로 장르는 바뀌었다 해도 꾸준히 지속되어서 30대 중반의 지금까지도 지속되는 버릇이다.
물론, 나이가 든 지금이야 그 빈도가 많이 줄었지만 말이다.
그렇지만, 최근에서야 느낀 것인데, 베토벤의 교향곡들은 자기 전에 듣는 음악으로는 부적격인 것 같다. 자리에 누워서 눈을 감고 음악을 따라가다 보면 4악장까지 연주되고 남게 되는 적막을 마주하기가 다반사이기 때문에, 수면부족으로 다음날 지각하기 딱 좋다.
오랫동안 들어 온 곡이지만, 결코 질리지 않고, 들을수록 맛이 나는 음악이 바로 베토벤의 교향곡이다.
왜 베토벤이 "악성"으로 추앙받는지 근자에야 고개를 끄덕거리게 된다.
며칠 전에 잠자리에 들면서 연달아 5번과 7번을 들어 버리는 바람에 다음날 지각에, 하루종일 조는 바람에 팀원들에게 미안한 마음에 포스팅하다.
카를로스 클라이버의 7번 실황 녹음을.. 올릴까? 말까?
용량이 커서 안올라간다 -_-;;;
앨범 사진만 올릴래....;;;
마에스트로의 표정을 보라!
정말 예술스럽다!
표정 하나 보는 것 만으로도 즐겁다.
7번에 딱 어울리는 표정이다!
그냥 가기 아쉬우니 악장 하나만 들어 보자.
광란의 4악장이다
2009.10월 마에스트로와 관련된 또 다른 글 : http://orchistro.tistory.com/160
Music/Others 2008. 4. 4. 02:50
잠이 오지 않는다.
내일 출근해서 졸지 않으려면
자야 하는데
이것저것 사는 것이 참 힘들다.
더불어, 아직도 철이 들지 않았다는 것을 많이 느낀다.
책임, 의무, 뭐 이런 것들의 굴레를 죽을 때 까지 벗어나지 못하는 것이 사람인가보다.
억지로라도 잠을 청해야 할 텐데...
Music/Classical 2008. 3. 31. 02:31
Vivaldi's Violin Concertoes Op. 4 "La Stravaganza"
Number 1 In B Flat Major, RV 383A
1. Allegro
2. Largo
3. Allegro
Rachel Podger(violin) with Arte Dei Suonatori
English/NBC Nightly News 2008. 3. 31. 02:04
뉴스를 보다가 재미있어서 봐서 오랜만에 포스트.
2008년 3월 27일자 NBC Nightly News 에서 발췌함
Final in tonight, remember when JFK went to France, he found more people there were interested in his beautiful wife than anything he had to say?
Well it's happening again to the president of France. He married a former model.
They're visiting Great Britain, and she is getting all the attention.
Our report tonight from NBC's Dawna Friesen in London.
<iframe height="339" width="425" src="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/23830107#23830107" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
From the moment the new French First Lady arrived, the British, it seems, were enchanted.
A kiss from prince Charles, two from the prime mister.
Former super model Carla Bruni stole the show on this two-day state visit. She alone graced the front pages of nearly every British news paper, some comparing her to Jackie Oh and princess Diana.
"The great thing about this trip, she hasn't put a foot wrong. She has actually done everything as if she was born to royalty."
She practiced the courtesy, charmed with her chat, she even wore lower hills than he did, so as not to tower over him quite so much.
She was quite simply the belle of the ball.
But she showed some substance too in a speech about women's health.
"When women are held in contempt, you're demanding respect."
It obviously made her husband proud.
"The sensitivity, these beliefs, this humanity are what contribute to Carla's elegance."
So much praise, it's easy to forget.
This is a woman with a past, who hasn't always dressed so demurely or dressed at all, and who has described herself as allergic to monogamy.
When they began their world-win romance last year, many in France questioned Sarkozy's judgement, dismissing him as a love-sick playboy and her as a hardly fit material for first lady.
But that was the past.
This visit to Britain appears to have transformed Carla Bruni into her husband's best and most glamourous diplomatic asset.
Dawna Friesen, NBC news, London
어쩌면, "열혈 페미니스트" 이신 분들이 기분 나쁘게 생각할 수도 있는 내용이지만, 그냥 재미있는 가십거리로 받아들이고 읽어 줬으면 한다.
she even wore lower hills than he did --> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
English/NBC Nightly News 2008. 2. 13. 02:15
Neck and neck, Barack Obama sweeps the weekend primaries.
- excerption from February 11, 2008 NBC Nightly News
The voters continue to have it their way during this primary and caucus season.
And this weekend, they handed Obama a sweep, four straight victories.
It is not enough to decidedly tilt the race. But is it a trend?
And with three big contests coming up tomorrow where Obama is again expected to do well, what happens now in the Clinton campaign where already this past weekend there's been a big change at the top?
All this, where the Republican race roils along, front runner John McCane still has company in Mike Huckabee.
We begin our reporting on all of it tonight on the eve of more primaries tomorrow with NBC's Andrea Mitchel in Washington. Andrea, good evening.
Good evening Brian.
Barack Obama is favored in tomorrow's primaries, which he hopes to propell him ahead of Hillary Clinton in the overall delegate count for the first time.
At the University of Merryland field house, Obama was riding a wave.
"It looks like we're having March Madness a little early."
After winning by big margin this weekend in Washington state, Louisiana, Nebraska and Maine,
"Lately, senator Clinton says, well, you've gotta elect me because I've been around a long time, so I can go after the Republicans, you know, I'm tough. Well let me tell you something, I may be skinny, but I'm tough too."
Clinton, also in the district of Columbia, Marryland and Virginia today, denied that her losses in the latest caucuses spelled trouble.
"I think those are independent electorates, and I everybody knew, you all knew what the likely outcome of these recent contest were. And you know my husband didn't win any of these caucus states, you know, he didn't win Maine, he didn't win Colorado, he didn't win Washington."
But the Clinton team is showing the strain.
In a shake-up, campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle is out, replaced by a long time Clinton confidant Maggie Williams.
Clinton is also counting more than ever on getting most of the 796 super delegates, elected officials and party insiders, so if the race remains close, could tip the balance toward one or the other.
"Super delegates are under a lot of pressure right now from all sides being pursued and the arguments being made why they should be in one camp or another."
Clinton strategy, talk them into committing now to slow Obama's momentum until Texas and Ohio vote in March followed by Pennsylvania in April, states where she is ahead.
A top campaign official told NBC News, now she must win them all.
Clinton's chief lobbyist in the delegates hunt, husband Bill, according to officials in both camps, while former senate majority leader Tom Dasher, a super delegate himself, wrangles super delegates for Obama.
"Bill Clinton's calling every super delegate. I just talked to somebody a couple minutes ago that was on the line with Bill Clinton for 15 minutes and that was at a carwash."
Both sides are also calling John Edwards. Clinton flew to his home in North Carolina to see him privately last week. Obama was to go see Edwards today. But aides said it became a media circus complete with helicopters over head.(?) So they rescheduled later.
An adviser says Edwards is torn that Clinton impressed him with specific proposals on his top priority, relieving poverty, but that is still undecided.
Music/Classical 2008. 2. 1. 16:48