Getting the unixtime of now (BSD date, GNU date):
$ date +%s 1327679054 Getting the unixtime of specific moment (with LC_TIME='C', GNU date):
$ date -d 'Sat Jan 28 00:44:24 KST 2012' +%s 1327679064
$ date -d 'Sat Jan 28 00:50:01' +%s 1327679401 $ date -d 'Sat Jan 28 00:50' +%s 1327679400 $ date -d 'Sat Jan 28' +%s 1327676400
Getting the unixtime of specific moment (with LC_TIME='C', BSD date): $ date -j 01280050.01 # format: [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss] Sat Jan 28 00:50:01 KST 2012 $ date -j 01280050.01 +%s 1327679401
Getting the human readable date from unixtime: (GNU date) $ date -d@1327679064 Sat Jan 28 00:44:24 KST 2012
Getting the human readable date from unixtime: (BSD date) $ date -r 1327679064 Sat Jan 28 00:44:24 KST 2012
덕을 쌓으며 수행하기 시작한지 어느덧 2년이 훌쩍 넘어가고 있는 와중에, 드디어 또다른 덕업의 세계에 눈을 떴으니, 피규어(정확히는 넨도로이드(ねんどろいど)[각주:1] 를 구입한 것이 그것이다.
웹 서핑 중에 우연히 발견한 이후 북받쳐 오는 뽐뿌의 유혹과 지름신의 강림에 견디지 못해 굴복하고 말았으니, 아래의 사진이 지름의 대상이 되었다:
TVA けいおん!(캐이온!) 1기 12편의 에피소드에 나오는 아래의 장면을 모티브로, 표정 등을 과감하게 데포르메[각주:2]하여 귀여움을 최고로 끌어올린 위의 사진을 보고서는 사지 않고 배길 수 없었다.
그나저나, 개봉된 영화를 보려면 블루레이로 풀릴 때까지 기다려야 하겠군;;
지점토, 찰흙같은 것을 뜻하는 "넨도ねんど" 와 안드로이드를 결합해서 만들어 낸 합성어인 것으로 추측함. 모델이 되는 캐릭터의 원래 모양을 작고 둥글고 귀여운 형태로 변형시켜 만든 피규어의 통칭인 듯. [본문으로]
變形, deformer(불), 영어권에서는 deformation 으로 사용되는 모양. 전문 지식이 없어 정확한 정보는 전달할 수 없음을 이해해 주시기 바란다. 영문 위키피디아에 내용이 없는 관계로, 영문 위키피디아의 링크는 제공하지 못한다. 대신, 신빙성은 좀 약하지만, 한글 브리태니커 백과사전의 링크로 설명을 대신한다: (영문 브리태니커 백과사전에서는 찾을 수 없었다) [본문으로]
You are going to get following error unless you make the changes:
io/libs/iovm/source/IoObject_inline.h: In function ‘IoCoroutine_rawRunTarget’: io/libs/iovm/source/IoObject_inline.h:322: error: ‘always_inline’ function could not be inlined in call to ‘IoObject_rawGetSlot_’: recursive inlining io/libs/iovm/source/IoObject_inline.h:344: error: called from here
Without it, you are going to encounter following error:
Linking CXX shared library _build/dll/libIoObjcBridge.dylib
ld: library not found for -lIoYajl
2. Install libevent
git clone
cd libevent; autoreconf -i
./configure;make;sudo make install
Without it, you will encounter following error:
Linking CXX shared library _build/dll/libIoObjcBridge.dylib
ld: library not found for -lIoSocket
3. Check if additional libraries are available on your system
In case you cloned Io from github, go into build directory and type "ccmake .." to check which library is not on your system.
If you feel like you'll need one one of them, go and install it.
Brian Williams: Good evening,
and before we get along with the broadcast tonight, instead we're going
to begin with a late word of a breaking news story. So, for that, we go
to our LA beureau to start things off with the report on the very latest
George Lewis: I'm George Lewis in LA. Apple Inc. announced tonight that company cofounder and former chief executive Steve Jobs has died at the age of 56. Here's a look back at his career.
He was the father of the iPhone, the iPod and the Apple Mac computer, turning electronic gadgets into objects of desire.
"I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderfuler(?)"
As he was fond of saying, "Wait, there's more."
"Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone."
And people did wait, in long lines for the first iPhones in 2007. And then three years later, they lined up for the iPad, changing the way people consume media.
"Design plus function equals the right life style, and that's what he filled."
In 1976, Jobs cofounded Apple Computer, and within a few years, was worth 100 million dollars. In 1984 he was showing off his new pride and joy, the Macintosh.
"And it has turned out insanely great."
As critics hail the Mac, Jobs was on the losing end of power struggle at his company and left Apple a year later. He went into computer animation acquiring Pixar Studios and striking __________ for the string of hit movies starting with Toy Stories.
Jobs came back to Apple in 1996 and began reinventing the Mac, dressing it up in a variety of colors.
"They look so good. You kindda wanna lick'em."
Concerns about the health of Steve Jobs began in 2004 when he underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer. A year later he spoke about that during a commencement speech at Stanford Univ.
"This was the closest I've been to facing death and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades."
An intensely private man with a quick temper, Jobs kept reporters at bay, saying his health was nobody's business. But Jobs was losing weight, something revealed in theses photos taken in 2007 and 2008. In April 2009, he underwent a liver transplant. Five month later, back on the job at Apple, he expressed his gratitude.
"I now have the liver of a mid-20s person who died in a car crash and was generous enough to donate their organs. And I wouldn't be here without such generosity."
On August 24 of this year, he stepped down as Apple's CEO. Back in 2005, he offered this bitter(?) advice to the Stanford Univ. Grads.
"Your time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice."
Steve Jobs, the man whose own inner voice led him to create some of the most visionary products of the internet era. Jobs leaves behind a wife and four children.
George Lewis, NBC news Los Angeles.
George Lewis: Steve Jobs is being mourned tonight at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, CA where my colleague Janet Shamlian joins us now. Janet.
Janet Shamlian: George, here at the headquarters of Apple, the birthplace of so much of the technology that Steve Jobs has created and that the world uses. The campus is in mourn. You can see the flags behind flying at half staff. And on line, at, simply a picture of Steve Jobs and the dates of his birth and death. Apple has just released a statement that says,
"We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today. Steve's brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve."
It is a statement that millions of users, of his fans all over the world would agree with.
George, back to you.
George Lewis: Thank you, Janet.
Once again, Steve Jobs, the man who gave the world the Macintosh computer, the iPhone, the iPod and the iPad, dead at 56.
Perl does not have sed'sg/re/d, which deletes entire line if the line matches pattern. You're gonna need some trick(?): Perl's command line option -n tells perl to just execute commands for every line (without printing the line processed), while -p option executes command AND PRINT the line processed. You could use it to delete matching lines:
perl command line options -p and -n (from perlrun manpage):
-n causes Perl to assume the following loop around your program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments somewhat like sed -n or awk:
LINE: while (<>) { ... # your program goes here }
Note that the lines are not printed by default. See -p to have lines printed. If a file named by an argument cannot be opened for some reason, Perl warns you about it and moves on to the next file.
Also note that "<>" passes command line arguments to "open" in perlfunc, which doesn't necessarily interpret them as file names. See perlop for possible security implications.
Here is an efficient way to delete all files that haven't been modified for at least a week:
find . -mtime +7 -print | perl -nle unlink
This is faster than using the -exec switch of find because you don't have to start a process on every filename found. It does suffer from the bug of mishandling newlines in pathnames, which you can fix if you follow the example under -0.
"BEGIN" and "END" blocks may be used to capture control before or after the implicit program loop, just as in awk.
-p causes Perl to assume the following loop around your program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments somewhat like sed:
LINE: while (<>) { ... # your program goes here } continue { print or die "-p destination: $!\n"; }
If a file named by an argument cannot be opened for some reason, Perl warns you about it, and moves on tothe next file. Note that the lines are printed automatically. An error occurring during printing istreated as fatal. To suppress printing use the -n switch. A -p overrides a -n switch.
"BEGIN" and "END" blocks may be used to capture control before or after the implicit loop, just as in awk.
Adding lines to multiple files:
perl -pi -le 'print "/*\n * \$Id\$\n *\n * vim 설정\n * vim:ts=4:shiftwidth=4:et:cindent:fileencoding=utf-8:\n */\n" if $. == 1; close ARGV if eof' $(cat filelist.txt)